Meet the leaders

  • Mike (Miguel) Rodriguez

    (Lead Pastor/ Youth Ministry)

    Pastor Mike is originally from Honduras and spent his childhood in both Honduras and in San Francisco, CA. He has been at LHCC since 2008 and has been the Lead Pastor since 2010. Miguel did his undergraduate work at Fresno Pacific University and City College of San Francisco and received a Masters of Educational Leadership in 2010 and a Master's of Theological Studies in 2012 from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. He is fluent in English and Spanish and enjoys learning about other languages.  Miguel also greatly enjoys spending time with his wife and son and extended family.

  • Dalmo Quieroz

    (Elder/ Treasurer)

  • Orlando Delgadillo

    (Elder/ Discipleship)

  • David McElwee

    (Buildings and Grounds)

  • Libia Delgadillo

    (Women's Ministry)

  • Belkis ROdriguez

    (Children's Ministry/

    Office Administrator)

  • Gisela R. Mendez

    (Hospitality Ministry)

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  • Katia Queiroz

    (Decorations Ministry) 

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  • Agueda Carbajal

    (Prayer Ministry)

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